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reArt:theURBAN conference /Zurich /Switzerland


A series of do- it- yourself performances, provided by text-messages. 

Receive the initial instructions, and off you go. The only thing you need is your mobile phone and yourself. You are invited to a playful study of routines, meetings and off track experiences on daily sites and places, initiating a re-mix of perception and relation to well-known surroundings. Your very own adventure in the midst of the city, an invitation for discovery in, and in between the frictions of a place and its reality- now and then, over there and here, with people, the city and you. 


Instant adventures in daily life, is a further development of hello!earth’s production: Tomorrow everything will be different... for Metorpolis Biennale Copenhagen 2009,

co- creating artists: Boaz Barkan, Andre Bern, Jacob Langaa Sennek, Seimi Nørregaard, Vera Maeder.

Technical design: Jonas Smedegaard alias. Dr. Jones

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