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Metropolis Biennale /Copenhagen International Theatre /Copenhagen /DK


A series of laboratories in Copenhagen 2008/2009 in relation to Copenhagen International Theatre's Metropolis Biennale. 


A laboratory project to explore the untapped potential of the approach and  develop the practice further. The laboratories deal with audience relation, framing and contextualizing life in public space, the relation of virtual presence and physical presence and the development of  social sensitive spaces. Furthermore the making of a manual or do-it- yourself kit for designing experiences is explored.  How to faciltiate works, absent of performers and co-written by the community? Workshops with diverse groups of people in different neighborhoods in Copenhagen and other places, contribute to the development of this manual.


Collaborating artists:

Boaz Barkan (movement artist/ dancer)

Zeenath Hassan (multi media)

Jane Jin Kajsen ( visual arts, video)

Dan Belasco (visual arts, locative media)

Fernando Lopez Barrajon Castillo (multi media)

Jakob Brandt Pedersen (sound artist/ composer)

Jacob Langaa Sennek (visual design and sound)

Vera Maeder (performance artist and leader of this research).

Funded by the Danish Arts Council Research Fond and KIT - Copenhagens International Theater




co/ Copenhagen International Theatre

Refshalevej 163A, 1. sal

1432 København K





CVR: 31432960

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