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"The dream space is the space of creation, the space of life. Here things are created and decided. The material form is only the consequence of the dream space, and we consider that dead material".   (Australian aborigine)                                                                 

THE NIGHT –visioning a post capitalist society while we sleep is the title of hello!earth’s coming work. 

A social event for 30 audiences taking place at a theatre venue, or in site-specific surroundings like in the building of the local City Hall or in a tent-like structure on a sandy beach.



What kind of community can we imagine as a post capitalist model of being and functioning together? And how could we stimulate a collective visioning and “rehearsal space“ for such collective field? 


To address these questions, we invite the audience for an extra-ordinary experience in the frame of an overnight stay. Yes!... We’re inviting you to be our overnight guests, and to be part of an 12 hours durational and participatory performance, where the fragile situation of spending a night together with strangers becomes a catalyst for deeper meetings and a platform to re-think economy of meeting and exchange.


An experience facilitating a space of collective creation & visioning, interrelatedness and power of community, in which the potential of dreaming practice and the creation of new communities are central elements.



The research for the work started in 2015, and in small and steady steps it continues during a series of workshops, residencies and showings throughout 2016, 17 and 18. The work is developed with a team of international artists and wil be finalized in 2018 and planned to tour in 2018 to 2020.


THE NIGHT labs and residencies

  • September 2016 -Working on rituals with Eero Tapio Vuori and Janni Petteri Olkkonen, Finland ( Ritual Art Renaissance)

  • November 2016 -Research lab taking place at Vestjyllands Højskole, DK

  • April 12 - 13, 2016  -"Forsøg" (experiment) at Forsøgstationen: open workshop with Robert Steijn, sharing his practice 

  • April 25 - May 8, 2016 -Teaching at The Arts Academy Helsinki, Finland / TEAK in collaboration with Eero-Tapio Vuori

  • October 14 -15, 2016 -Process sharing/seminar in Copenhagen, DK at Forsøgstationen

  • October 24 - November 13, 2016 -Residency at Graner / Barcelona, Spain

  • February 2018  -"Forsøg" (experiment) at Forsøgstationen, Copenhagen

  • April 9 - May 4, 2018 -Residency in Pamplona, Spain

  • May 5,6 and 9,10,11 -Performances at The DNA Festival in Pamplona

  • June 2018 -Performances in Copenhagen at Copenhagen International Theatre and CPH:STAGE.       

       Performances: June 1,2,3 / 7,8,9 / 29,30 and July 1.


The research periods are functioning on open source principles, entitling all artists involved to use the findings. 

It is realized as a quest with emphasis on building relations, sharing of process and knowledge, discourse and dialogue and developing meaningful partnerships with both institutions and artists involved.

Some of the activities are open source labs, open for artists, or anyone interested to join.

Please contact us if you would like to join.


Funded by the Danish Arts Council for Performing Arts, and with support from Vestjyllands Højskole, Arts Academy/ Helsinki, Graner/ Barcelona, Festival Sismograf/ Olot, Forsøgstationen Copenhagen, DNA Festival, Pamplona, Copenhagen International Theatre and others to be anounced.

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